
A Dozen Pink Roses Bouquet With 1 Kg Fruit Basket

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A Dozen Pink Roses Bouquet With 1 Kg Fruit Basket is available to buy in increments of 1

A Dozen Pink Roses Bouquet With 1 Kg Fruit Basket

Enhance any occasion with the elegance and beauty of our Dozen Pink Roses Bouquet. This stunning bouquet features twelve delicate pink roses, carefully handpicked and arranged to create a breathtaking display of love and affection.

Each rose in this bouquet is expertly selected for its vibrant pink color and exquisite fragrance, making it a perfect gift for someone special or a charming centerpiece for your own home.

Along with the stunning roses, this bouquet also includes a 1 kg fruit basket filled with an assortment of fresh and juicy fruits. The combination of the vibrant pink roses and the refreshing fruits creates a delightful and thoughtful gift suitable for any occasion.

Whether you want to express your love and appreciation, celebrate a birthday, or simply brighten someone's day, our Dozen Pink Roses Bouquet With 1 Kg Fruit Basket is the perfect choice. Order now and let this beautiful gift bring joy and happiness to your loved ones.