Surprise your loved one with the stunning 101 Red Roses With Black Wrap bouquet. These elegant and vibrant roses are the epitome of love and passion, making them the perfect gift for any special occasion. The deep red color symbolizes deep affection and is sure to make a lasting impression.Each rose is carefully handpicked and arranged to create a beautiful and eye-catching bouquet. The black wrap adds a touch of elegance and sophistication, making this gift even more memorable.This bouquet is ideal for Valentine's Day, Women's Day, or any other day when you want to show your loved one just how much they mean to you. It is available for delivery in the Deira Florist, Bur Dubai, Jumeirah, SZR - Sheikh Zayed road, Downtown Area, Jbr Jumeirah Beach Residences, Al Nahda, Al Barsha, Al Quoz, and Business Bay areas.Make a bold statement of love with the 101 Red Roses With Black Wrap bouquet.
这款101朵红玫瑰花束配黑色包装是表达无尽爱意和热情的理想选择。不论是庆祝特别的场合,还是向挚爱表达真挚情感,这束花都是完美的礼物。适合情人节、生日、纪念日,或是想要为某个特殊时刻增添浪漫氛围的女士们。这款花束的特点包括鲜艳的红玫瑰花朵,深邃的黑色包装,展现出高贵典雅的气质。这101朵红玫瑰代表着纯真的爱、热情和浪漫,能够深深打动接收者的心。花束的组成包括101朵新鲜绽放的红玫瑰花朵,搭配精美的黑色包装,呈现出一种让人惊艳的视觉效果。每一朵玫瑰都代表着对接收者最真挚的情感,将无言的爱意传递到她的心底。无论是送给对象还是母亲、姐妹,这101朵红玫瑰花束将成为无与伦比的礼物,让她感受到你的深情厚意和真挚情感。当您想要用鲜花来传递情感和爱意时,这束红玫瑰花束将是完美的选择。- 迪拜101朵红玫瑰黑包装¥1,377.53
- 粉红和白色的玫瑰花束¥273.93
- 灿烂的美丽 一束红白玫瑰。迪拜(15朵白玫瑰和15朵红玫瑰)¥589.24
- 一束兰花¥236.49
- 令人难忘的时刻束的多彩多姿的玫瑰¥293.64